Monday 3 June 2024

Tinca time 1-6-24

 Well up early for the tench .Arrived early to find 3 Bivvys on the lake .looked at peg 1 didnt fancy it , 2&3 were taken so took Peg 4. Decided to float fish again using the lift method with a crystal waggler.Bait wise started on maggot tipped with corn . Plenty of lifts and slide aways but yet again plagued with Rudd.I decided to swap over to meat .wasnt long before hell broke loose this was no tench but a carp , ran me ragged in front of me and went on a powerful run and the hook pulled. I was gutted . Still overcast was it going to be one of those days again . I swapped over to lob worm and the rudd moved in , they werent content with the free offerings they wanted the worm aswell. A nice perch turned up and now it was mid day .

The heron was out .

The robin turned up and ended up well fed with a few maggots .So it was back to the van for my pod and two rods on the buzzers .one rod on a 10mm tutti fruiti and the other rod on my maggot corn pop up rig .

Ive caught well on this rig but the once the rudd move in its beep beep beep . Any way i was now fishing two esp method feeders with groundbait and casting every 20 minutes .

Id bought a bag of this a few weeks back to try and even though i like it its not good  value for money on a large method feeder .At 2-30 my left hand ripped off and it managed to swimn under my other rod but after a bit of messing around it was in the net .

First tench and off the mark , shame it had a damaged mouth . Really pleased with that one . I swapped my other rod over to meat and then ended up switching it again to a tutti and nailed a decent rudd.So after the cold start the sun was now blazing in the sky .I had too pack up at half 4 and what an eventful day .
Tight lines until we blog again .