Sunday 2 December 2012

First Double of the Season 1-12-12

After the last two sessions blanking and nothing to live baits or deads,it was time to get back out.With overnight rain i woke to no  frost on the van.Arrived at the water and headed to a quiet spot to catch some baits.After an hour with only a small perch for my efforts,i packed up and a long walk to the swim.I set up a paternoster rig with a herring,on the other rod was a float ledger with a smelt.When alan arrived i set about fishing with the tip rod again,wasnt long before we had a roach each.I put one on the pat rig.I was fishing in between the pat rig and float rod catching roach and had two snatched of pike,so was confident.An hour passed and i moved the float ledger,removed the float and fished further out with a lamprey.It wasnt long before the Delkim beeped,drop off started to drop and as i grabbed the rod the fish was off,struck it was solid,after a good fight on my new Treble-7 rod,Alan netted the fish,weighed at taken and returned.Stayed till dusk and with no further fish we headed off,Till the next time....
15.7 Ready to go back strong............

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