I carried on where I left off feeding little and often and a few chopped lobs went in aswell.As the afternoon wore on my float was lifeless,it was cloudy,overcast it looked pretty perfect but seemed I would have to wait and be patient and hope the perch would feed.Good signs were fry jumping to my left and plenty of fish topping.As I sat there mid afternoon I topped up with a few more bits of Lobworms and within a few seconds my float sank I counted to 3 and struck,Fish on ,centrepin clicking,rod bending as it put up a good scrap.It went over the net,it looked good too I was happy my patience had payed off.
2.7 and a new PB by 3 ounces,well chuffed.I could of gone home and settled for this but onwards and upwards let's see if there was going to be more to come.I re baited my hook,fed the swim,swung the float out on the spot and poured my last coffee and kicked back knowing mission completed and was just trickling some maggots in aswell .It was probably a good 30 minutes before my next bite,a dip on the float and moved to the left and I struck,this felt better as it was heading for a snag.I got it under control and a few lunges and the stripy was in the net.Looking at the fish in the net I was thinking it was off similar size.Back out with the camera.
It was a wide fish,look at its belly.Time for one more I thought,wishful thinking on my part,as the light faded and I was struggling to see my float,I packed up very happy and headed off home.
Till the next time bloggers,Tight Lines .