Monday 9 September 2024

Fir Tree Fishery 8-9-24

 So back here again ,this time we fish the opposite side .I drew peg 17 and was really confident with my draw .

I was casting under that bush for the first hour and had nothing to show for it .id been feeding 2 margin spots with corn but every time I tried , not a touch . The water was a muddy colour and the rain was coming down from all in .I had another rig set up at 8m.Tried corn and no bites . I went on the tip again and had my first bite at 12 .

More dead fish spotted again seems to be a problem here .

I went back on my 8 m line and had a barbel followed by losing a decent carp .I had one more carp on the pole and for the last 30 minutes I rotated between the tip and margins . I managed to lose a carp on the tip then caught another .The rain continued till the end of the match .

1 52-8

2 34-9

Me 7 -17 

At least I won my section .

Till the next time .

Sunday 25 August 2024

Fir Tree Fishery 18-8-24

 Fishing with crescent anglers today on a match .Upon arrival I noticed the colour of the water and the smell, obvious the warm weather had affected the water due to a green cast on the water or lack of using the aerator.Quite a few dead fish in the water and on the bank .

Not a nice thing to see .Id drew peg 10 , weather was warm no breeze .i set up 3 rigs , one for margins , one two plus two and a 3 plus 2 .Also I had a bomb rod to go across to the island .

I started of on the 3 plus 2 rig on pellet and within 10 minutes I had my first carp.Then nothing , I thought it’s gonna be one of those days .i was feeding corn in my 2 margin spots . I started rotating my pole positions but couldn’t buy a bite .I decided to try out a margin spot and saw a nice carp drifting along the margins , I lowered my rig right in front of me and bang carp on .I started then on bomb and pellet and that wasn’t working either .so come 12 I’ve 2 carp in the net .I carried on for the next 2 hours rotating swims to get something goin but whatever I tried wasn’t working.I decided to go back on bomb and pellet and it worked .catching wasn’t fast but a waiting game each cast worked .i stayed on this till the last 30 minutes and went down the edge , nothing .Went back on bomb & pellet for last 10 mins hoping for another fish . All out .
1st mark 66lb 1 
2 Daz 56 lb 8
3 Me 46 lb 13 
They only pay first & second . But I won my section .I lost four carp so I could have been in contention.

My first Stillwater Barbel .

Till I’m out again , tight lines .

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Bradshaw hall Fishery 14/7/24

 So i was invited for a match with crescent anglers .we had 20 pegs on Lake 4.After seeing the results of the last few weeks i was excited .Plan was bomb & pellet and fishing up in the water on the pole .For the first hoir i started on the bomb rotating 8mm pellet, wafter and meat and all i had to show for the first hour was a F1 and a skimmer .

The next few hours saw me catch 5 more carp fishing shallow .Has to be my most dissapointing day on this lake .I couldnt have tried any harder .If drew peg 27 on the wall and was expecting a-lot more tbh.

1 Alan 124 lb

2 Gavin 44 lb 2

3 Darren 30 lb 7

I had 10 lb 7. .

Till the next time , need to get to the river .

Monday 3 June 2024

Tinca time 1-6-24

 Well up early for the tench .Arrived early to find 3 Bivvys on the lake .looked at peg 1 didnt fancy it , 2&3 were taken so took Peg 4. Decided to float fish again using the lift method with a crystal waggler.Bait wise started on maggot tipped with corn . Plenty of lifts and slide aways but yet again plagued with Rudd.I decided to swap over to meat .wasnt long before hell broke loose this was no tench but a carp , ran me ragged in front of me and went on a powerful run and the hook pulled. I was gutted . Still overcast was it going to be one of those days again . I swapped over to lob worm and the rudd moved in , they werent content with the free offerings they wanted the worm aswell. A nice perch turned up and now it was mid day .

The heron was out .

The robin turned up and ended up well fed with a few maggots .So it was back to the van for my pod and two rods on the buzzers .one rod on a 10mm tutti fruiti and the other rod on my maggot corn pop up rig .

Ive caught well on this rig but the once the rudd move in its beep beep beep . Any way i was now fishing two esp method feeders with groundbait and casting every 20 minutes .

Id bought a bag of this a few weeks back to try and even though i like it its not good  value for money on a large method feeder .At 2-30 my left hand ripped off and it managed to swimn under my other rod but after a bit of messing around it was in the net .

First tench and off the mark , shame it had a damaged mouth . Really pleased with that one . I swapped my other rod over to meat and then ended up switching it again to a tutti and nailed a decent rudd.So after the cold start the sun was now blazing in the sky .I had too pack up at half 4 and what an eventful day .
Tight lines until we blog again . 

Sunday 26 May 2024

Tench Part 2 24-5-24

 I couldn’t go to the lake early so I headed up there before lunch stopping of to pick up some bait . I arrived at the lake to find I had a good choice of pegs .My main problem was where did I fancy .The big difference from the last session was I took the float rod and rod pod set up of which I left in the van in case I wanted to swap over later .This time I had an array of baits . Corn, maggot , meat , pellet and lob worms .The peg had plenty of room and I set about fishing in 4 foot of water fishing the lift method .

My side tray with all my baits .Now the plan was to fish the float rod and see what happened .There was a lovely breeze blowing into the peg on a warm wind .I spent ages plumbing up looking for a good spot.I fed red mags and pellets , there was Rudd there but nothing like the last session . So I’m a couple of hours in and next minute my rod gets pulled of the rest and into the water , this was all my fault .luckily for me it went about 30 yards and stopped in the reeds . My problem now was getting it back , do I go back to the van for my other rods and cast to retrieve it . I decided I had to go in , so I stripped of , used my landing net pole to get a feel of the depth and waded out . I found it easier to walk on the reed line , I got the rod and waded back . Lucky for me I always have a big towel lol. So because of the disturbance id made I decided to put another swim in . I’d made my mind up to sit it out on the float and that was a big mistake . I managed 3 Rudd and a perch . I fished till I couldn’t see the float . So no tench again . 

So till the next time bloggers , can’t wait .

No Tench Part one

 I was up bright and early last week for tench session part 1.I arrived at the lake and what a glorious day .Only problem was it was busy .There wasn’t many pegs left and I chose I nice swim which would of suited a float rod better , but two rods on the pod would work . Now bait choices , maggot is awkward on this lake because it has a high Rudd population .i fished a maggot corn rig and a lob worm rig . I would be using maggot feeders to start with hoping it would keep the Rudd busy and the tench could home in on my hook baits .The sun was out it looked real tenchy but the Rudd were demolishing my baits . Plenty of false bleeps on the alarms .

Drennan maggot feeders in line my fave feeders .At lunch I changed over to method feeders . I kept the maggot corn pop up rig on one rod .And I used a fake pellet on the other .Apart from 2 Rudd nailed on a size 12 hook , No Tench 

Part 2 to Follow . 

Saturday 20 April 2024

Bradshaw Hall Fishery 20-4-24

 Today was the memorial match for Lee Martin. We usually fish lake 3 but have changed to Lake 4.I drew peg 6.Would have preferred to of fished the wall side but it is what it is .I started out on the method feeder and had 3 carp for the first hour .It was over cast at times with the sun trying to break through at times .with the overnight frost the fishing was slow even though the temps were warmer as the day went on .I decided to fish the slow sinking feeder but this time it let me down .Id set up my pole to fish 13m and was using a slapping rig and managed a nice carp. But that was it .So I went back on bomb & pellet and that’s when the fish started to come , but not often enough .I caught a couple of decent carp , nice common and a nice mirror .As the match was ending the weather was getting real warm , typical 

Any way all out and time for the weigh in .

1st 64 lb

2nd 63 lb 

3 41 lb 

4th ME 35 lb 4 

A good day and I may of missed some ounces for the others lol.

Till the next time , hope it’s soon .